
Hi today I got you guys a guide..Too take care or a puffle.With facts from puffles life to puffle food.This guide is the best puffle guide with everything you need to know about these cute balls.
First before adopting them you need to know this.non members can have 2 puffles[red and blue] and members can have up to 20.

Black puffles
Intense strong
loves to play with a skateboard
favorite snacks is chips

Blues puffles
 Loyal ,content,team player
Favorite toy ball
favorite snacks cookies and milk
Easy to care for

Brown puffles
Super smart,inventive
Favorite toys beakers,rockets
Favorite snacks Ice cream sandwiches
Afraid of balloons

Green puffles
playful funny
Favorite toy:unicycle,flying cap
Favorites snacks jellybeans
Laughs 14.7 times a day

Orange puffles
Favorite toys box,wagon,truck
Favorite foods everything[even puffle bowl]
Sleeps deeply while drooling

Pink puffles
Favorite toys trampoline,snorkel,jump rope
Favorite foods,Puffles- O's,Veggies,fruits.
Loves too exercise and swim

Purple Puffle
Favorite toys bubbles,Disco ball
Favorite snacks-Very good Chocolate
Has a sleep mask

Red Puffle

Favorite toys bowling pins cannon
Favorite snacks  stinky cheese
from Rockhopper island

White puffle
Favorite toys Snowflakes ice skates
Favorite food none
A bit smaller than other puffles

Yellow puffle
Favorite toys,paintbrush,easel
Favorite snacks crackers and cheeses
It puts a berfet before painting

The whole puffle group

First step- Finding your puffle

So, first of all you need to adopt your perfect pet. Go the pet shop and click the big puffle house. There is many puffles to pick from! If you can't decide a puffle, take the quiz to find the right puffle for you!  When you chose the puffle you want adopt it. Yo must have 800 coins and take good care of it. You will name it and you can choose to walk with it or send it to your home! If you choose to walk your puffle it will be next to you. Then if you would like to send it home then click your player card and click your puffle!
Second step- Your puffle is home!
congrats, now you have a new pet. Try to see where you pet is If you don't see your puffle try moving things around. If you try it and don't see them, that means its a big probelm!Click on your puffle!
Third step- Taking good care of it!
Now you gotta know what to do when your puffle needs something. So if you want to feed it click on the bowl and many food will apear that you have brought!If you want to feed your puffle then drag the meal you want to feed your pet!

Now click  the ball if you want your puffle to play with something! The drag the toy to your puffle so it can play with it There are certain they they could play it!
Now click the comb to groom your puffle or bathe it. Just drag the brush to groom it. Or drag the tub to bathe your puffle!

 Now click the zzzz button to rest your puffle! Just drag the button you see on top to make your puffle sleep!
 Last of all click the last button to dress your puffle. All the hats you buy your puffle will show up there! Drag the hat you want your puffle to wear!
 Fourth step- Be aware if your puffle runs away!
This is really important! You have to be really aware of this! You have to know how to keep your puffle at home! Their is a health bar! If any of them goes empty. You puffle returns to the wild! But don't worry you can buy a new puffle! But you don't get your coins back when your puffle leaves! Also last thing, nonmembers can adopt two puffles[ red and blue]! Members can adopt up to 20 puffles [ any color]!