Friday, February 24, 2012

Rockhoppers Quest Party Guide

Hey guys, today Rockhopper's Quest Started. So here is the ultimate, full guide to this epic party! So this party is about when Rockhopper needs a crew to sail the island so now lets start with the guide!

1. Sign Up at the board to join Rockhopper's Quest!

2. Get your free item from the box in the corner
3.Enter the the ship and Rockhopper will speak to you. Read the message and then click the arrow.
4.Another Message will appear, so click the arrow again!

5. There will be another message, read it and press OK!
6.You are now in the Migrator, and the Migrator is sailing so stay in the ship until
you reach land.
7.Now go off the thing on the bottom center and you will see Rockhopper say another message, read it and press the arrow!
8. Now read the other message and press the arrow again!
9. Read the last message and click OK!
10. Your now at a island! Its so cool! So click the square with the supplies you need firstly!
11. If you gave enough coins you can buy stuff at the sale! There is a big merge to buy.
12. Now go up the plan to leave then island!
13. Your back on the ship. Now sail on the ship til you get to the next island!
14. Now walk down the plank and you will get another message!
15. Now you will you get another message. Read it and click the arrow.

16.Now you will get the last message and press OK!
17.So you will be on another island. If you like you can buy a merch at the shop then you can click the Gem and don't walk to it or you will be TRAPPED!
18. Now walk the plank at the bottom left and your back on the deck! Now wait to get to the other island!

19.Now walk off the plank and... you will get more messages. BORING!

20. We are on Ship Wreck Island. Now build a beacon where the circle was drawn!
21. Now you will get a pin. I would like one!
22. MEMBERS ONLY: Click the cave entrace of the cave to get in the  Members Only Cave and click the box  under the viking crave to get a prize.

The Guide is done for now, so hope you enjoyed the party and make this guide helpful! I rate this party 9/10 anyway since there could have been more in this party! Farewell.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sport Shop will be re-built

Hey guys. I got so good news for you. The Sports Shop will be re-built this year. We know that the Sports Shop was removed when the popcorn storm hit and got replaced. But the EPF Entrance will be there still! So on Club Penguin Wiki I saw this post. They are always right when they post, so this is true!

''The Sport Shop Rebuilt has been confirmed in a Canadian magazine as a party to rebuild the Sport Shop. The Sports Shop should back with a Field-Op or a Secret Mission. That video shows the Ski Village with Ski Lodge, Everyday Phoning Facility, and Sport Shop near the Mountain. Also, it might be related to Operation:Blackout and EPF Recon Team. The PSA HQ and Command Room are not coming back. The event is set to coincide with the new EPF Recon Team game in August 2012. The Tourist Base will be built, as well as the Recon HQ.''
So in the Australian and Candian Club Penguin Magazine it said an article of the sports shop being in the Ski Village!  BUT, it will be in the corner of the SKi Village. The photo graph below will give you an idea of the shop!

SO are you excited of the shop returning. Let us know in your comments. So the small Sport Shop will be gone and replaced in its old home! Farewall to you!

New Post: Featured Fashions: February 22

Hey guys! Today Happy77 posted some fashions that other penguins wore! I think they are all really nice! Let see their outfits below these sentences!

You nominated some super stylish penguins! Check out some of my favorites:

Pendude2000 said: "I saw this guy Wolf 146, he wears awesome outfits sometimes he wears vampire wizard costumes."

Wolf 146_2.jpg

Mompenguin95 said: "I think that Natasha53333 has the best outfit ever! You should put her penguin on here too. Please, her outfit ROCKS! I have never seen better." 


Llama Phone said: "I think that A11766 has the best outfit ever! He has mixed new and old together and I think it looks really nice :)"

I agree, Llama Phone! :)


Rockhopper's Quest is just around the corner... Have you seen any pirate outfits yet? Nominate penguins by letting us know their name and what you like best about their style. Stay tuned for more fashions on the blog! 

Waddle On! :)

Wow! They are so,so nice then I thought! I think A11766 had the nicest outfit of them all above. Congrats A11766 knowing that I am your friend on Club Penguin and you dress really nice. Anyway, Farewall!


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New Club Penguin Coins for Change book coming soon!

Today Happy77 posted a new post on clubpenguin's website about a new book coming to the clubpenguin bookshelf! Heres what happy77 said:

Greetings Penguins!

Happy77 here. Last month we asked you to tell us what you'd like say to the kids we're supporting around the world through Coins For Change. We got such great responses from you that we decided to do something really cool... 

We're going to make a book filled with some great comments and artwork we've received from you! We'll be sending copies of the book to schools and libraries we've helped build through Coins For Change. 


So here's your chance let kids around the world know you care. Send your message by leaving a comment on this blog post, or send us a picture. We'll pick a few great comments and pictures to feature in this special book. 

We'll share the book with you here on the blog so you can read it, too. :)

What do you think of the new book coming out? Tell us what you think below!


Monday, February 20, 2012

New author

Hey, guys. I am the new author. I would like to keep my identity anonymous. Just to build suspense. Try to figure out who I am. But thats going to be super complicated. I have been working on this website for a while but it is now that I am introducing myself, I have a lot of blogging experience one of the websites I used to work on was  a cool website so click here. I currently own a website called "Club Penguin Followers" so click here to see an awesome website.But also keep visiting this blog its awesome too. I might put it on my blogroll. I have to ask the owner first.

This was just an intro of me

waddle on

K.4 (p.s these are my initials)

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Hi I'm York313a new author!! I will be posting on this blog! :)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Valentines Day Coundown Party Four days of non-stop party!

To celebrate Valentines Day, we will have a party! This party is:
Day: 2/11/12
Time: Any time on 2/11/12- 2/14/12
Server:  Yeti
Room: Night Club
Don't miss it!