Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Funny pictures!

Soon we are going to have funny pictures like the Godzilla one, my authors will make them so stay tuned for funny pics!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Tommy please go the town on sever sleet. I need you.

Lighthouse filled with coins!

Thanks to the penguins donating coins for Cons for Change, the Lighthouse is filled with coins! Thanks to all these penguins for dontaing, you really made a change in the world!
We do not copy from other people. [tommy please don't copy . Don't post about old things. Post new things]

About the owner Tommy22386

Hello, im Tommy22386, owner of the Club Penguin Cheat Army. I often am a black or red penguin because they are my favorite colors. I often play for 2 or 3 hours a day. I am a  rare! I wear lots of clothes since Im rare. Im 9 years old.  I also work on Club Penguin now as well.